
Thursday 2 May 2013

Inspirational Movie Education

Here is my Prezi presentation from #TMHANTS (May)!

Please leave any comments, particularly if you've used movie making for other topics or areas of the curriculum!

I hate putting words on presentation so here is the general gist of it!

I was really struggling to make Ancient Greece relevant to the year 5 children I teach. One of them had been to an animation workshop in London and an idea hit me. What if they became movie makers, focussing on one myth? So the children are in production companies and have chosen a myth to animate using stop-motion. They have read different versions of the myth, written it as a VoiceOver and planned 2 scenes from it to go on a terracotta plant pot (70p from B&Q and Homebase!). They have story boarded their movie and created backdrop and characters. They are bringing in Lego and cameras from home ready to film. They will then edit it all together on movie maker and we will plant seeds in their "Greek" pots. They will monitor their plant's growth and all the parents are coming in for a cinema afternoon (with popcorn and fizzy drinks) on the last afternoon of the half term. There is a chance by this point that the children will have written their own myth and made a Greek mask to act it out too...we shall see!!

All in all, through a 4 week project I am covering half a term of science, a literacy framework topic, half a term of ICT, some PSHE, lots of Art and DT and History.

Inspirational Enterprise Education

Here is my #TMHANTS presentation from the November one!

Please leave any comments.  I'd love to hear about any other Enterprise topics which have gone down well!