
Tuesday 25 November 2014

When Will I Get My Oscar?

You may think that I'm a teacher,
And that goes some way to say,
A little about the activities,
I complete in school each day.
You may think that I'm an expert,
And it might surprise you so,
That, really, I'm just an actor,
Who's a little in-the-know.

I crammed in the information,
The night before the class,
Put on a special wig and clothes,
And answered the questions you asked.
You played along, like I was somebody else,
A famous historical doctor.
It was such a great performance so,
When will I get my Oscar?

You really hurt me yesterday,
Using names so rude and mean,
And today I'm meant to treat you like,
It's forgotten; the slate is clean.
I smile and greet you as each day,
In my mind is yesterday's phrase.
You're completely none-the-wiser so,
Will my Oscar arrive in a few days?

I tell you stories using my face and hands,
Creating characters with my voice,
You complain when others 'don't do it right',
And, when I'm done, you all rejoice.
Each lesson; an elaborate episode,
I've learned the script by heart.
My audience are hooked to know the rest,
Surely an "award-winning" start?

There are times when you are struggling,
Disrupting and causing a scene.
I know you are craving attention,
Sometimes angry or overly-keen.
The learning continues, as that is my job,
'The show must go on,' I know.
It takes all of my talent to ignore you,
You stop. It worked. What a show!

In life, the worst news possible,
So much pain within.
But my audience expect the usual cast,
So I get up and drag myself in.
Inside, I'm cut up in pieces,
There's nothing that anyone could say,
But I'm on stage so I 'act naturally',
Is my Oscar on its way?

The directors want me to change the script,
The props - the whole production.
Really, I know my audience best,
I keep going with minimum disruption.
They want to review my performance,
So I simply adjust the show.
"When will I get my Oscar?" I cry,
Doesn't anybody know?

Each day the red curtain rises,
The education stage is set.
How much we both put into this,
Will affect how far you get.
The truth is: I won't get an Oscar,
And that's certainly not what I need.
The fact that you love learning and school,
Is like a standing ovation to me.

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