
Wednesday 9 March 2016

Book Bingo

The inspiration for this post is threefold.  I've been meaning to create a resource like this since this photo on Pinterest reminded me of a list I was given when I was in Year 6.  The list simply had some brilliant classic novels which I would never have picked up if left to my own devices.  From reading some of the texts on the list,  I discovered and fell in love with stories by Frances Hodgson Burnett.  Some in-school reading moderation this week prompted me to take action and people's reactions to my original Book Bingo tweet reminded me to share the resources so here goes! 

These cards are designed to encourage children in KS2 to read for a range of purposes, to enjoy reading and have some fun as well as suggesting a range of authors and books for them to discover.  I envisage each box being stamped or given a sticker once it is completed and then children getting some form of award for completing four in a row or a full house.  On each card there is a WILDCARD box for children to get creative with the card's theme.  Teachers could give these to pupils in their class and parents could use them as a basis to help their child choose a new text.  

All ideas on the cards have come almost entirely from my own experience (with a bit of help from Twitter) so you are likely to disagree with some of my choices of authors or classics.  Therefore, I have included a link to download these and editable versions of them at the bottom of this post so that you can create your own.  If you do edit them and you are willing to share your Book Bingo cards, please do email them to me so they can be featured on here. 

You can download high quality versions of these Book Bingo cards as well as download an editable version of each one in the Reading Resources Folder


  1. This is a brilliant idea. Am certainly going to try this next term with my Year 6.

  2. Brilliant. Just what we need to liven up home reading in y6. They ate do bored after 6 years of reading records. Whose idea were they anyway?!?

  3. I love these! Going to be using them to keep year 5 focused.

  4. Thankyou so much. We used text types and stories in the Summer and now I am going to edit for my new Y3 class. It had such a great impact on reading. :D

  5. Really good idea. Going to use in my year 1 class. Thks

  6. Going to use Bingo with my Year 5 class this year. Can't wait


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