Sunday 14 April 2013

The Five Minute Lesson and Topic Plan (Adapted from @TeacherToolkit )

The Five Minute Lesson Plan has been floating around the Twitter-sphere and Blog-sphere for a few months now.  I've often looked at it and thought it sounds like a great idea but couldn't see it working practically for me.  However, I am now at that moment where I am looking for a different planning format because the one I currently use takes a long time to fill in.

Taking the original plan by @TeacherToolKit, I have adapted it for the primary classroom, adding in a section for Support along the bottom so I can plan in my TA and other adults and where they will be.

You can find my Five Minute Lesson Plan here:

I also wanted something similar to plan whole cross-curricular topics or subjects.  So I made a Five Minute Topic Plan which you can find here:

Have you used the #5minplan ? What do you think of these adaptations? Let me know in the comments.  Hopefully you can download and edit these yourself in Word!


Saturday 6 April 2013

Tidying The Classroom

Currently I work in a classroom which is long and thin with the interactive whiteboard on one of the long sides. Fitting 34 children into this classroom proves to be a challenge and I am forever moving tables trying to find a set up which "works". Unfortunately I haven't found it just yet!

This Easter holiday, having discovered Pinterest and all the amazingly organised classrooms on there (many of which are from the US), I decided to give my classroom a bit of a make over and a tidy up. I was particularly focused on 3 areas: the "reading corner", my cupboard and the shelves. None of the areas are perfect, but I am quite pleased with how much better they are.

Below are the before and after pictures of each area.