Saturday 21 March 2015

How Do I Make Marking Speedy and Meaningful? (EdShow15)

Please find below my presentation from the School Leaders Summit at the Education Show 2015, Birmingham NEC.

This presentation was based on these two blog posts:
Making Marking Meaningful
Making Marking Speedy


  1. Hi, you've highlighted (s3) that teaching assistants are not worth it/have little effect. I'm curious as to why you have highlighted this? Surely with the correct training, a TA can become (nearly) as effective as a teacher in engaging pupils with their learning and be heavily involved in assessment? I appreciate the cost will always be high, but surely the right TA will have the right effect, or have I misunderstood?

    Also, you've considered sport within assessment; excuse my naivety, but how does this relate to assessment?


    1. Hi,
      I put slide 3 on the presentation to discuss the place of "Feedback" on the graph. I agree with you about TAs - they absolutely can be as effective as teachers; indeed some are qualified teachers who have made a decision to be a TA. I believe (and hope) that this graph was created thinking about TAs in a cutting/photocopying/laminating role which is less common now and less effective that in-class support.

      Sports (as well as Arts) was obviously something which the Sutton Trust included in their research to create this graph. I didn't talk about it or refer to it in my presentation.
      Hope this helps?

    2. Thank you for the clarification. I will look at the Sutton Trust to get better understanding about the place of Arts/Sports in this.

      Out of curiosity, have you encountered many/any problems with feedback and/or peer assessment? If so, what were these and how did you overcome?

      Thanks again, Ollie

    3. Hi Ollie,
      The Sutton trust thing is based on loads of different research they've done.

      Main probably with feedback is finding the time, especially in big classes. Verbal feedback is best but there is rarely time to get round the class in a lesson. Decent peer assessment requires routines to be put in place at the start of the year so children get in good habits with it.


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